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NEW Instructor Recertification


The In-Person Recertification Course revisits the competencies acquired in the Lifesaving Society's instructor, coach, and examiner courses, offering a refresher to participants. It grants candidates the 4 points necessary for their instructor, coach, examiner, and examiner mentor leadership recertification.

Please note that completing the course does not automatically recertify candidates. Upon successful completion, candidates must proceed with the recertification process through the Lifesaving Society to obtain recertification.

Prerequisite: Candidates must hold a current or expired Lifesaving Society instructor (any), coach, examiner (any), or examiner mentor certification.

Required References: Candidates must bring the Award Guide(s) corresponding to their certification level, Instructor Manual, and Examiner Handbook (if applicable).

Course Date: Thursday, June 12 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Ingredion Centre and Cardinal Pool (3044 Dishaw St., Cardinal)
Course Fee: $75.00 (Please note that refunds will not be issued)
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